ethics in faith - A hybrid training platform
Texas Education Agency (TEA) approved CPE provider.
A 501(c)(3) Federal Tax-Exempt Non-Profit Organization. EIN: 92-3443524 - An educational entity. All donations are tax exempt under IRS Federal Income Tax.
Curriculum overview
Review contemporary ethical issues based on role play scenarios, animations, gamifications, and other scholarly literatures. Emphases on principles of ethics. Our methodology brings classical, contemporary, and medical science on the same platform.
The top modules are listed here; however, we are open to adopt any contemporary issues related to an organization.
Why Ethics in Faith?
"As we face many challenges in the 21st Century, it is imperative to learn the core ethics of major faiths. Especially, engaging our children to learn the ethics from core religious sources is a priority. Also, maintaining proper etiquettes in teaching should be respected whether at home, school or other places."
Dr. Abul K. Rashid, PhD - President
Dr. Najeeb Ranginwala, MD - Mental Health Consulting Director
Trained from UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Research in Geriatric Psychiatry. Involved in Different Research studies and published papers and chapter in the Handbook.
"Ethics in faith plays a positive pivotal role in human life. It reminds and rejuvenates our human conscious and moral compass. It reminds us of our personal accountability, social justice, and welfare. It’s a precious timeless skill to develop and earn in oneself."
Shawkat Ali - BOD